Edit Organization Name & Address

Note: When you edit Organization contact information, be aware that clicking the Save button can start the update of potentially thousands of related mailing label records. To address this problem, you can set a threshold of the number of records netFORUM updates when you click the Save button. When the number of records to update exceeds the threshold, netFORUM automatically starts a Scheduled Task to update all of the related mailing label records in the background. See the Edit Organization and Address Linking topic for complete information, and go to the UpdateRelatedIndividualMailingLabelsTaskThreshold system option to change the number of this threshold.


The edit name & address button opens the Organization Name & Address Information page in which you can edit the following:

Field Name Required? Description
organization name Required Enter the organization name.
sort name Optional Enter the desired sort name for the organization. This is the organization's name as it will appear when sorted in lists in the database. Data entered in the organization name field is auto-copied into the sort name field, but this data can be edited separately .
acronym Optional Enter the desired acronym for the organization.
organization type Optional Select the organization type from this drop-down list. For example, organization types can include associations and corporations.
parent organization Optional If a parent company to the organization being entered exists in the database, associate it by clicking the Search icon.
source code Optional Apply an existing source code to the organization by clicking the Search icon.
scoring scale Optional Select an existing scoring scale to apply to this organization from the drop-down list.
primary contact Optional If a primary contact individual exists in the database, associate it by clicking the Search icon.
Field Name Required? Description
address lines Optional Complete the address lines for the primary address of the organization..
city, state, & zip code Optional Enter the city and zip code for the addresses. Select a state from the state drop-down list.
county/district Optional Enter the county or district name.
congressional district Optional This is the unlabeled field after the county/district field. Enter the congressional district name or code.
province Optional Enter a province name.
mailstop Optional Enter a the delivery point for the mail services of this organization.
country Optional

Select a country from the drop-down field. Address location fields will update to reflect the country selected.

On most iWeb and eWeb forms where an address is entered, the address inputs and labels are now configured for each country's naming convention and field order through the use of a special Address Sub-form for each country. Once you select a country, the address sub-form for that particular country appears. When a specific country is selected, for example, data values in other drop-down menus will change based upon that country (such as provinces, states, and regions) as well as how and where those fields may be displayed. The intent is to facilitate data entry for you and your customers based on the customer location.

validate address Optional To check the validity of mailing and billing addresses, click the validate address button.
Field Name Required? Description
on hold Optional Click this check box to put this address on hold.
record type Optional Select a record type from the drop-down list.
seasonal from Optional Enter or select a date that this address becomes valid because it is in season.
seasonal through Optional Enter or select a date that this address becomes invalid because its season is over.
organization info Optional Enter notes about this organization.

Click the Save button to save your edits and return to the Organization Profile.

Click the Cancel Button to return to the Organization Profile without saving your changes.